Looking for a budget and expense tracker to help you record and manage your income and expenses? Our simple tool does the job. Use it every day to track your budget.
Budget & Expense Tracker
Balance: $0.00
How to Use the Budget & Expense Tracker:
View Your Balance
The current balance is displayed at the top.
View Your Balance
The current balance is displayed at the top.
To Add a Transaction
Enter an amount in the input field.
Select "Income" if it’s money received (e.g., pension, savings).
Select "Expense" if it’s money spent (e.g., bills, groceries).
Click the "Add Transaction" button.
Add a Transaction
See Your Transactions
Added transactions appear in a list below.
Income is shown in green and expenses in red.
The balance updates automatically.

Purity is passionate about numbers and precision, which is what makes her a skilled financial consultant. Throughout her career, she has navigated complex financial landscapes and now spends time simplifying finance for individuals and businesses alike. From offering investment insights to retirement planning, her mission is to steer retirees toward financial prosperity and peace of mind.